Saturday 18 December 2010

Things to consider when creating a film

Age - what's suitable for them to see. The storyline has to be suitable for the audience its aimed at.

Gender - The male audience dominates the cinema, therefore action filmsshould be very popular in cinemas

Location (of audience)- Not everyone can afford to go to the cinema. there could also be a language barrier releasing a film in a country where the native language isn't that of the film.

Occupations - TV listings/cinema listings can become competition. Catching people when they are home e.g. holidays

Lifestyle choices (interests)- Movie advertisements for women in womens magazines & advertisements for men in mens magazines

Politics - Newspapers lean towards different political parties may influence there readers.

Ethnicity - Ethnics should be considered by having a wide range of people with different backgrounds, ethnic traits, allegiance, or associations.

Attitudes - Similar Attitudes to real life can make a movie/tv show very popular for example the inbetweeners or misfits.

Sunday 12 December 2010

December Research and Planning Mark


You have analysed some relevant 2 minute openings and have done a mind map. Your blog is presented clearly. Your online diary is there also
Planning - questionnaire/shot lists/storyboard/animatic/mood board etc are all tasks you need to start completing over the next month
Research - When analyisng opening 2 minutes - discuss the order of titles and credits etc - when does the directors name come up - over the action or over black screen etc - what have you learned from the opening that you want to use in your work?

At the moment we are looking at C grade territory - revisit your old posts and improve and check out other blogs e.g. Shelby's to see use of pictures to improve presentation

Wednesday 1 December 2010


today the year 13 helped us with adobe. they showed us how to use it. i found it very usefull and intresting, i learnt a lot.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

perliminary task film

today i started filming the preliminary task with Bobbie, fabian and ellen. i filmed ellens parts while bobbie filmed fabians parts. we didnt finish the filming which may cause problems because ellen and fabian will need to be wearing the same clothing,

Friday 29 October 2010

The Fast and the Furious

Brian O'Conner is a police officer tasked by an LAPD/FBI joint operation with infiltrating a Los Angeles street racing gang, suspected to be the culprits of a string of high-speed truck hijackings perpetrated by a trio of black 1995 Honda Civics with green neon lighting under the chassis. Brian gets a job at a local shop and works his way up until finally getting an opportunity to compete against elite street racer Dominic Toretto and two other contestants at a large, late-night event. Brian barters his way into the race with the title for his 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS. O'Conner appears to be ahead in the race, having equipped his Eclipse with Nitrous Oxide tanks for an edge over his competition. However, after using both tanks while in the race he damages his intake manifold, resulting in more severe damage to his engine. He loses the race, but gains Toretto's respect when he arrives in time to prevent Torretto from being collared by the LAPD after their arrival on-scene to break up the race.
The scene starts by showing a main city. Rap music is playing in the back ground, telling us it has something to do with gangs. Along with cars and guns, we are told it is an action movie. The colours of the cars indicate who the good and bad guys are, giving the audience instant conection with the characters.

Lost and Delirious

Mary is a new student at an all-girls boarding school and dorms with Paulie and Victoria (nicknamed Tori). In an effort to get the shy Mary to break out of her shell, Paulie and Tori involve her in their activities, such as running in the morning. When they hear that Mary's mother has died, Paulie nicknames her "Mary Brave."
"Even then i had a bad feeling" tells us it is going to be a sad story. The bording school seams like a lovly place where everyone is happy but the girls soon talk about there familys and the sad music starts. There is lots of romance in the film but you cant help but feel like somethings going to go badly wrong.

Tomb Raider

The film opens with Croft in an Egyptian tomb, seeking a diamond at one end of a chamber. As she approaches she is attacked by a large robot. After an intense chase and battle, she disables it by ripping out its motivational circuits. She takes the diamond, which is revealed to be a memory card labeled 'Lara's Party Mix,' and inserts it into a laptop computer inside the robot, whereupon it plays music. Now it is revealed that the scene took place in a practice arena in Croft's home, and that her assistant, Bryce, programmed the robot, to challenge her in combat.
this film has action right from the start. the opening sequence shows just how powerful and determind lara is, if destroying a robot doesnt tell you that then her massive house and servants should. she is dressed in all black, shorts and t-shirt, connotating that she is dangerous and means business.

American Pie

Four friends and west Michigan high school seniors, Kevin Myers, a confident student with a girlfriend named Vicky; Chris "Oz" Ostreicher , a member of the high school lacrosse team; Jim Levenstein , an awkward and sexually naĂ­ve character whose father, Noah, attempts to offer sexual advice including purchasing and giving him pornography; and Paul Finch , a mochacchino-drinking sophisticate, make a pact, at Kevin's initiation, to lose their virginity before their high school graduation after a dorky classmate, Chuck Sherman, claims to have done so at a party hosted by fellow classmate and lacrosse player Steve Stifler.
Jim is watching porn as his parents walk in,they dont realise at first but then his mother does and freaks out but his dad is cool about it, and tries to give him advice. everthing points to comedie, the music is fun and upbeat, the clothes are bright so is the house, the script is funney and entertaining. in the first couple of minutes the main characters are introduced and so are the stereotypes they comform to.

Cry Wolf

Owen Matthews, a British immigrant, arrives at Westlake Preparatory Academy. That night Owen's roommate, Tom, wakes Owen up to tell him they are sneaking out. A group of students consisting of Graham, Mercedes, Lewis, Randall, Regina, Tom, Dodger, and Owen play a game called Cry Wolf, where someone is marked and the group tries to figure out who the “wolf” is.
The film start in the woods in the middle of the night, a classic horror beginning. A girl panting and screaming is running, she keeps looking behind looking for someone. A person all dressed in black then then shoots her in cold blood. The next scene show a boy ariving at bording school. the bording school is in the middle of nowhere. The camra focuses on the boy telling us he is going to be the main character. he is new, he doesnt know anyone and doesnt know his way around making him the victim. i like how the opening is mysterious and the audience doesnt know whats going on, im going to try and include this in my film

Tuesday 26 October 2010


Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) admits, "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster," referring to his idolizing the Lucchese crime family gangsters in his blue-collar, predominantly Italian-American neighborhood in East New York, Brooklyn in 1955. Wanting to be part of something significant, Henry quits school and goes to work for them. His Irish-American father, knowing the true nature of the Mafia, tries to stop Henry after learning of his truancy, but the gangsters threaten the local postal carrier with dire consequences should he deliver any more letters from the school to Henry's house. Henry is able to make a living for himself, and learns the two most important lessons in life: "Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut," the advice given to him after being acquitted of criminal charges early in his career.
This is clearly a gandster film. Right from the start, there were guns, cars and lots of violence. The gang was traveling in he dark connotating danger and mystery. The gang also had on connotating power and importance. i like how the opening goes straight in to the action im going to try and do this to my movie.  

Children of Men

By 2027, no children have been born anywhere in the world for 18 years. Most governments have collapsed, leaving the United Kingdom one of the few (shown as the only) remaining organised societies. Millions of refugees enter the United Kingdom seeking asylum. In response, Britain becomes a militarised police state. The British Army rounds up and detains all illegal immigrants and suspected sympathisers. A suicide kit called Quietus is marketed on billboards, newspaper ads and television commercials.
Theo Faron (Clive Owen), a former activist turned apathetic bureaucrat, learns that the world's youngest person, an 18-year-old Argentine dubbed Baby Diego (Juan Gabriel Yacuzzi), has been stabbed to death in Buenos Aires in an altercation. Theo narrowly avoids a café bomb explosion attributed to the Fishes, an underground group advocating equal rights for illegal immigrants in Britain. It is later suggested that the bombings are actually committed by the government to "spread the fear".
Children of Men is set in london, it is realistic but with a futuristic twist. We know it is a science fiction film because this wouldnt happen or hasnt happened, . In the first couple minutes of the film it introduces us to the main character Theo, we know he is the main character because the camra focuses on he and gives his point of view. It also tells us that humans cant have babies any more and havent for the past 18 years we know this by the back ground news footage the news also tells us, that the world is in chaos, everyone is at war.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Things to watch out in the Opening Two Minutes of a film

- Does it hook the audience?
- Do we know the setting?
-What genre of film is it?
-What mood if the film setting?
-What type of sound is used?

Monday 27 September 2010

Definitly, Maybe

Definitly, Maybe is a romantic comedie and that was clear right from the start. It was set in new york where most romantic comidies are set. I think that it will be a good film as the 1st title was Universal Pictures and they have high production values. the 2nd title was Working Titles and they are known for making romantic comedies. It start with a man sitting in his office with devorce papers, this tells us he is single. He then leaves his office turns on some happy/feel good music and walks to pick his daughter up. When he get to her school he realises they have been learning about sexual education, this introduces the funny element, to me that points to romantic comedie as it has introduced the main characters, sex and relationships yet they have done it in a funny way.