Tuesday 1 March 2011

The Script

·        Jason- aka agent 13-Fabian
·        The Boss- Harry Kent
·        Assassin 1- David
·        Assassin 2- Molly
·        Assassin 3- Peter
·        Tracker Girl- Ellen
·        Organisation Members- Josh, Lewis, Shaun,

Shot 1. Production Titles

Shot 2-4. A voice over by Jason, “The names Jason & this is me finishing my last fucking assignment! I still don’t know what they’re going to do with me…..”
Amplified sound of his footsteps.

Shot 5. The film title appears in the foreground and in the background we see the doors. This shot stays for 3 seconds until the doors burst open.

Shot 6. Jason is standing in between the doors.
Dialogue: Jason- “As we agreed this was my last assignment and now I’m done with this bullshit!”
The Boss- “Yes, we know, remember there is no turning back now…”
At the end of the scene we hear muttering/whispering from the organisation members.

Shot 10-12. Jason is walking up the high street, everyday noises of people talking, cars and people walking will be heard in the scene.
Add in the sound of a police or ambulance siren.

The insert (shot 12.5). Jason turns a corner and bumps into a girl (the tracker) she hastily says sorry as the camera focuses on her slipping a tracker into his pocket. Sounds dim down and go quiet as he turns the corner.

Shot 13. Jason keeps walking up the road. Everyday noises continue at normal level.

Shot 14. Back in the board room the boss is talking about the tracker being placed on Jason. “we have hired an operative to place a tracker on Jason, now we know where he is, what he’s doing and how we can get rid of him!”

Shot 15. Down the board rooms corridor you see the three assassin’s feet walking down it.

Shot 16. Back in the board room . The boss is talking about the tracker and the three assassins on there way. “I’ve hired three of the best trained assassins in the world to take down agent 13, he wont make it out alive”.

Shot 17. Down the board rooms corridor you see the three assassin’s feet walking down it.

Shot 18. The doors swing open and the three assassins are standing in the doorway.

Shot 19. The camera zooms in slightly on the assassins in the doorway. The assassins slowly walk into the board room.

Shot 20. Jason walks along the street. Jason turns into an alley. Another man appears and starts to follow him

Shot 21. Zoom in on Jason. Jason looks left over his shoulder and sees that he’s being followed.

Shot 22. The camera angle changes to looking at both characters head on. Jason starts to run and his follower chases after him.

Shot 23. Jason runs up a flight of stairs.

Shot 24. Jason gets to the top of the stairs and continues running. His follower reaches the top soon after and continues to chase Jason.

Shot 25. Jason continues to run with the camera directly behind him to act like it’s the follower’s point of you chasing Jason. Jason then runs out of shot and the follower stops and looks around for him.

Shot 26. The follower then runs out onto the main road looking for Jason.

Shot 27. The follower stops running and starts to walk along the side of the road looking around for Jason.
Shot 28. Cuts to Jason looking out a window.

Shot 29. The angle changes and you see Jason looking out of the window down onto his follower looking around for him. Jason mumbles the word “Amateur” and walks away.

Shot 30. Jason walks out onto the car park roof.

Shot 31. Jason sees a black car and walks over to it. Jason gets into the car and the car speeds off.

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