Wednesday 26 January 2011


  1. How old are you?

  1. Are you male or female?

  1. What’s your favourite film genre?

  1. How many times do you go to the cinema a month?

  1. Who’s your favourite actor?

  1. What’s your favourite film?

  1. Do you watch a lot of different genres?

  1. Do you buy a lot of DVDs?

  1. Do you like happy endings or mysterious endings?

10. Do you like hybrid genres?


11.     What’s the best action film you’ve seen?


12.     Do you like to know what’s going on all the way threw the film or do u like to find out at the twist at the end?


Audience Research

Audience Research

This is a table showing the percentage of age, gender and class of people that went to see Hitman when it was realeased in cinemas. I chose this film as it relates to the film we are planning to shoot and we wanted to see which target audience it would most likely appeal to. As we can see that hitman was a very male dominated film with 65% of the audience being male. Hitman was viewed mostly by 15-24 year olds but also appeals to the older audience of 25-34 and 35-44. As we can see, the majority social class that watched hitman was C1 and C2 which are labelled as people with intermediate occupations, small employers and non professional self employed.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Media Diary. 18th January 2011 Monday

Today my group and I started on our research and planning sheet, in our two media lessons, this included...

  • We completed our new action movie mood board of explosions, great action films and well known action movie actors.
  • We started research on props, actors and costume for the movie.
  • We need a soundtrack to the clip, so we’ve started looking at sound for the first time with our new action theme in mind on non-copyrighted sites.
  • We’ve also started looking at things similar to what we hope to achieve for example movie trailers and books. One of us found a great trailer which relates to the brief storyline that we’ve come up with so far, its called The Tournament and one of us has read a book which might be good research called Scorpia.

We uploaded the action movie mood board onto all of our blogs.

Monday 24 January 2011

Idea for our film

The idea for our film relates to the book 'Scorpia' by Anthony Horowitz. The plot of the book is about an organization of assassins that want to kill all 12-14 years olds in Britain to destroy the relations between the United States and Great Britain. The leader of the organization poisons a member of her own organization when he speaks of retiring. This relates to our plot as organization 13 is an organization of assassins that plot to kill a former organization member when he wants to leave the organization. As the organization needs 13 members, a trial is held for a new assassin to join and so the job is offered to the first interviewee who kills the former organization member.

Thursday 20 January 2011


Soundtrack Research:
We will source various websites that offer a wide range of free non-copyright music. This is important as it is illegal to feature copyright music in our films. This overall is, I think, a major disadvantage as non-copyright music is usually not as effective as its copyright counterparts which are good at signalling a mood change in a film.

Costume & Location Research:
We will arrange for the characters belonging to Organisation13 to wear suits so that they look professional & powerful. Our ex-member of organisation13 will wear slightly more casual clothes so that they fit into everyday life & don’t stick out so much. Extras will obviously wear appropriate clothes to wear they are and what they are doing.
Actors & Props:
We will cast family, friends & students of the drama department. Members of our group may also appear in our filming. Props we may need are a gun or several guns, a cigar, a distinguished walking stick, cars, phones, walkie talkies, money and briefcases.
Audience research:
(what should I write?) Our film will be aimed at 15-35 year old males interested in movies full of action, suspense & fighting.
An group of assassins has named itself organisation13 as there are 13 founding members. One of the members decides he wants to leave & start a normal life but the rest of the members tell him that if he leaves they will hunt him down & kill him. He accepts this & walks out to start a new life. The leader of the organisation hires 3 new assassins to kill the ex-member. What the recruits don’t know is that there are others out to kill their target & that they are competing for the job & money.
Possible characters:
11 members
The ex-member
The 3 new assassins
Possible acquaintances of the ex-member trying to help him

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Action Movie Mood Board

The Tournament trailer

This is a film trailer called the tournament. Every seventh year in a small English village a special tournament is arranged called The Tournament. Nobody knows anything about it but a room full of millionaires betting on the outcome. The tournament brings together the 30 best contract killers from around the world to a bloody competition when it comes to exterminate one another as modern gladiators in the city.

This relates to our film as our plot is about an organization called organization 13. It is an organization filled with deadly assassins and contract killers that are on the hunt for a former organization member. We would have similar chase scenes and action sequences to that in the trailer. The idea of assassins competing is a comparing factor to that of the trailer.

Ideas for our film

  • organisation 13. (name)
  • 13 members "hence the name".
  • victim was former organization member.
  • organization 13 is a group of assassins.

Our Media Group/ Actors for film


Actors & Props:
We will cast family, friends & students of the drama department. Members of our group may also appear in our filming. Props we may need are a gun or several guns, a cigar, a distinguished walking stick, cars, phones, walkie talkies, money and briefcases.

Actors and Props

Actors and Props

  • Members of the group
  • Members of Drama department
  • Family and freinds
  • Briefcases
  • Guns
  • Cigars

romance cliches

  • boy meets girl, boy loses girl,boy finds girl again.
  • the female lead almost never ends up with the man she was originally supposed to spend the rest of her life with.
  • love is an obstacle course, but if you keep your nose to the grindstone, the rewards can be immense.
  • bride or groom suddenly gets ditched at the alter.
  • romance depends on the traditional beliefs that opposits attract
  • pushy but loveable mother
  • the harried, befudded father
  • the fat, mouthy but highly supportive girlfriend who wears glasses and never has a date
  • the gay neighbour or co-worker
  • lead has a bes friend whos a loveable slob
  • mother seeks man whos not a complete jerk
  • dance can save a relationship, marriage or and innner city school.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Brainstorming Ideas for our film

My group and I met up after school to discuss a number of topics concerning our media work. This included:

  • Making a mind map of our film ideas
  • Splitting tasks between the group
  • Organizing meeting times for the group every week
  • Storyboarding our final idea
  • Taking pictures of the storyboard and other work.

Whilst brainstorming, we found that the genre of action appealed to the group more as opposed to the horror genre we had previously discussed. We came up with a brand new plot and thought about use of camera shots, mise-en-scené and the timing of each shot. We are finishing the storyboard over the weekend and will take pictures of it soon so to be able to create an animatic for our opening two minutes. We have agreed to meet up after school every Tuesday when a lot of of our filming and written work will be done.