Thursday 20 January 2011


Soundtrack Research:
We will source various websites that offer a wide range of free non-copyright music. This is important as it is illegal to feature copyright music in our films. This overall is, I think, a major disadvantage as non-copyright music is usually not as effective as its copyright counterparts which are good at signalling a mood change in a film.

Costume & Location Research:
We will arrange for the characters belonging to Organisation13 to wear suits so that they look professional & powerful. Our ex-member of organisation13 will wear slightly more casual clothes so that they fit into everyday life & don’t stick out so much. Extras will obviously wear appropriate clothes to wear they are and what they are doing.
Actors & Props:
We will cast family, friends & students of the drama department. Members of our group may also appear in our filming. Props we may need are a gun or several guns, a cigar, a distinguished walking stick, cars, phones, walkie talkies, money and briefcases.
Audience research:
(what should I write?) Our film will be aimed at 15-35 year old males interested in movies full of action, suspense & fighting.
An group of assassins has named itself organisation13 as there are 13 founding members. One of the members decides he wants to leave & start a normal life but the rest of the members tell him that if he leaves they will hunt him down & kill him. He accepts this & walks out to start a new life. The leader of the organisation hires 3 new assassins to kill the ex-member. What the recruits don’t know is that there are others out to kill their target & that they are competing for the job & money.
Possible characters:
11 members
The ex-member
The 3 new assassins
Possible acquaintances of the ex-member trying to help him

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