Thursday 21 April 2011

Looking back at your preliminary (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I feel like i have improved a lot since filming the preliminary task at the beginning of the year. I think my ability to film, edit and set the scene for a shot have all improved greatly and continue to get better.  

The picture on the left shows a shot reverse shot. Shot reverse shots are mostly used when characters are talking to each other. It shows the characters point of view. A shot reverse shot is when the camera is over one characters shoulder while the other character is speaking so we can see the facial expressions of the character speaking. When the other character speaks the camera changes shoulder to the character that has just spoken. The preliminary task on the right shows a mid shot of two character speaking. I don’t think the mid shot looks as professional as the shot reverse shot.  

The pictures show match on action. Match on action is when the same object is shot from multiple angles and shots; however it is done with smooth continuity as if it was done real time. This helps the audience understand what’s going on.

The 180 degree rule is when two characters in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects it might confuse the audience so we kept to one side of the line. We did this in both or preliminary and our opening two minutes.
We used a range of camera shots in our opening two minutes of our film that we didn’t use in our preliminary task. We used Long shots, Mid shots, Close ups, High angle shots, Low angle shots, Shot reverse shot, Match on action, Obeyed the 180 degree rule, Establishing shot, Panning and Tracking in our opening two minutes.
Whereas in our Preliminary we only had Long shot, Mid shot, Match on Action and we Obeyed the 180 degree rule.

I think we used editing well. We used many slide transitions for our footage and titles. We increased the pace of editing for the chase scenes, to give a more action packed feel for our audiences.

Altogether i thought we managed to produce a realistic piece of filming.

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